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I shrugged off the thought, pulled on a big t-shirt and a pair of panties and went downstairs. The living room was dark as I passed through to the den. I got the fireplace started and rummaged through Jake's DVD collection for something spooky and fun. Nothing grabbed me so I curled up on the couch and turned on the television, figuring there had to be a ton of horror movies on.
Turned out I was right. After finding a somewhat familiar flick from the eighties that featured a bunch of half-naked kids with bad hair running from a maniac in the dark, I grabbed a beer from Jake's mini-fridge and settled in.
On screen, a hot blonde was struggling to open the door to a barn or something. She was yanking on the door handle so hard her huge breasts were jiggling and threatening to come out of the top of her shirt. Behind her, a shadowy figure made its way through the trees, headed straight for her. Just as she pulled the door open, a hand reached out and grasped her shoulder. She screamed and turned to find… her own boyfriend. They'd been separated in the woods and each thought the other was dead. The girl hugged him tight and dragged him inside the barn. The huddled together on a pile of hay, and like all terrified people do, started making out.
Suddenly the movie got a hell of a lot more interesting. After a few kisses and loving talk they got down to business. The blonde said she didn't want to die a virgin and the guy was more than happy to oblige. In seconds, his shirt was off and his hand was down the front of her shorts. Man, movies were hot back then. As they moaned together, I felt my own pussy dampen. The memory of the hot fuck I never got came back to me. I stretched my legs out and pulled my shirt up to reveal the flat plane of my belly, the gentle curve of my hips under the black lace panties.
When the blonde on television pulled her shirt off over her head I did the same, dropping my t-shirt on the floor next to me. Even with the warmth from the fire, the room was chilly and my nipples puckered quickly, the dark nubs standing out against the creamy white of my skin. I ran my hand over the velvety soft globe and was heading down between my legs when a sound in the house startled me.
I muted the movie and strained to listen. There was nothing but the crackling of the fire and the sound of my heart pounding in my chest for a long moment. Then the sound came again. A heavy shuffling, like something being dragged across the floor in the kitchen.
Forgetting all about the movie and my topless state, I grabbed a poker from next to the fireplace and stepped silently into the hallway. I was about to enter the kitchen to call nine-one-one when I heard another sound, much closer this time. I backed up, slipping into the den again. I held the poker close to me and tried to hide my body in the shadows behind the door, praying whomever it was didn't come in the room. It would be obvious someone was at home and there wasn't another way out of the den.
The intruder walked up, stopping in the doorway. They sniffed and cursed. I held my breath. An eternity went by before they moved on. I bit my bottom lip, trying to figure out whether to find a better hiding spot or run for it.
I crept out from the shadows since either choice meant I had to move. Deciding that flight was the way to go, I hadn't put my entire foot out of the room before I felt someone move nearby. A large, solid form flew at me, pushing me back into the den. We landed in a heap on the floor and air rushed out of my lungs. I cried out and tried to hit them with the poker, but it was trapped between us.
The smell of cigarettes and bourbon filled my nose, triggering a sense of familiarity. Before I could say anything a large hand circled my throat and a low, guttural voice filled the silence.
"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house?"
"Jake?" I sputtered as his hand tightened around my neck. "It's me."
He pulled back a little and his eyes finally met mine. "What? Valerie?"
"Yes," I gasped. "You're choking me."
"Shit!" He let go of my throat and sat up, still straddling my body. I released my grip on the fireplace poker and it sat heavily between my breasts. My naked breasts. Jake's eyes searched my face and down to the extensive amount of skin I was showing.
"What are you doing here?" he said, blearily, obviously drunk.
"I… I just needed to get away from campus for a while."
"Oh. Uh… sorry. His gaze was locked on my chest, barely visible in the flickering firelight. "Did I hurt you?"
"No. I'm fine. But uh, can you let me up now?"
His eyes narrowed as he looked at my face again. "Why are you naked in my den?"
"It's kind of a long story. I'll tell you everything if you just let me up."
Jake shook his head. "Explain yourself first. Is this some kind of prank? A Halloween joke?"
"I know how you college kids are, always trying to be funny. I get enough of that shit at the bar; I don't need it in my own house."
"Jake, please." I'd never seen him like this. So cold. It had to be some combination of drunk, the endorphins from our brief scuffle and whatever had left him home alone for the weekend. Whatever it was, I reacted strongly. My mind was telling me to run. He wasn't some crazy axe murderer, but he was someone I didn't even know very well, except for what my mother told me.
But the strangest thing was my body. It didn't want to flee. In fact, I had to fight the impulse to wiggle under him and thrust my breasts up to give him a better view. My skin was hot where the denim of his jeans rubbed against my sides.
Something dark passed over his face as if he knew what I was thinking. "Well?"
"Are you going to tell me what you're doing or do I have to make you tell me?"
His words speared through me. "Make me? How?"
Jake leaned down again so his face was inches from mine. I always forgot how handsome he was. He had strong, angular features and a sexy, unruly shock of ink-black hair that was falling over his forehead. "Don't push me, Valerie. I've had a bitch of a day and I'm not in the mood for teenage bullshit."
"What are you in the mood for, Jake?" The words were out before I knew it. And as the anger in his face turned to something else I knew it was too late to take them back.
"Jesus." He jumped up and was across the room in a flash. "I should have known."
My mind was reeling and I had no idea what he was talking about. "What?"
"Your mother put you up to this, didn't she?"
"Mom? Huh?" I sat up and stared at him, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Don't play innocent, Val. It doesn't suit you. Your mother told you why she's left me and you came to confirm her suspicions, right?"
"Suspicions?" I knew I sounded like a moron but I didn't have the slightest clue what was going on.
"It's all right. I don't care. I told her I never touched any of the waitresses but she refuses to believe me, and they all backed me up. So she figured if you threw yourself at me I couldn't resist. Then you two could take everything I have in the divorce."
As my blood stopped pounding in my veins and he finished talking it all became clear. Mom had accused him of cheating but couldn't prove it. That's how she ended up getting so much money out of my dad, too. What a bitch.
I stood up and walked over to him warily. "Jake, I understand now. And no. I would never do that to you. Would never participate in that."
Now that we were close to the fire we could see each other clearly. His eyes searched mine for a long time. "I… I don't want to think you'd do that. I thought we were buddies."
I smiled reassuringly. "We are. I swear this is all just a crazy coincidence."
"Maybe so. Why are you here, then?"
I laughed. "I had a situation on campus and needed to get away. I thought you guys were away so I figured I could lick my wounds here alone. I was just watching a movie when I heard you come in the back door."
He ran a hand over his face. "Oh. I walked home from the bar since I had a few too many. Didn't think to check for your car out front."
"It's okay. No harm done, right?"
"Right." Hi
s eyes were clearer, sober. "Wait. Why aren't you wearing any clothes?"
I blushed and looked away. "Um…"
Jake reached over and pushed a button on the remote. The movie started up again, with the couple making out. He chuckled. "Watching a 'movie,' huh?"
"It's a horror film, Jake. Not porn."
"Oh yeah? I think they're supposed to scare your socks off, not your entire outfit off, Val."
I didn't say anything. There was no way I'd admit I'd been about to masturbate to a scene from a cheesy slasher flick. Not in the dark quiet house with my soon to be ex-stepfather. I'd had enough humiliation for one night.
Jake was staring at me again. The wave of heat that rolled through me had nothing to do with the fire roaring next to us. "I'm sorry if I hurt you or scared you before."
"It's fine. It was half my fault. I should have just said something when I heard you. Halloween, I guess. Makes things eerie."
"I guess. Is that a beer I see?"
"Yeah, sorry."
"I don't care if you drink. But why don't you grab me one and put some clothes on. I'll stay and watch this movie with you."
I'd never been so happy to be ordered around. I wanted to get dressed before but didn't want to let him see how uncomfortable I was. Not because it was awkward to be topless in front of him. The problem was how much I enjoyed knowing his eyes had trouble staying on my face. I kept thinking about the solid weight of him on top of me on the floor. Wondering what his hair would feel like between my fingers.
I grabbed my shirt and pinched my arm as I pulled it on. Dirty, sexy thoughts about Jake were off-limits. At least until I was alone again and could do something about it. I've always been of the mind that fantasies don't count. Nothing is forbidden in your own mind. And mine was filling with ideas enough to fill a lot of lonely nights.
After grabbing a beer for Jake I sat down next to him and turned my attention back to the television. I was incredibly aware of him there on the other end of the couch. His arm rested along the back, his fingers mere inches from my head. I imagined that hand coming over to grab my head, dragging my mouth to his for a hot, hard kiss before shoving me down to grind my face into his crotch. I could see and feel it so clearly that my mouth opened to accept his cock and my pussy leaked enough cream to soak my panties.
It took the sound of screaming from the movie to force me back to reality. The hot young couple was now a blood-splattered girl with no shirt on, screaming at the top of her lungs and holding the headless body of her boyfriend between herself and the axe-wielding maniac.
I looked over at Jake. He wasn't paying a bit of attention to the television; his eyes were trained on me. Embarrassed at what I'd been imagining, I tried to lighten the mood. "Guess that's what you get for being so slutty in these movies, huh?"
He nodded absently. "These things were supposed to scare kids about sex, but it just made the whole thing more dangerous and cool."
"I guess so." My eyes wandered back to the screen. The girl was now running through the woods, maniac on her heels. "That's gotta hurt."
"What," Jake asked.
"Running like that with no bra."
"You mean the trees and stuff hitting her?"
"No, I mean the unavoidable bouncing. The reason sports bras were invented."
Jake chuckled again. "Bet you don't have that problem."
I looked down at my chest. "What?"
"Yours are nice a firm. Not much jiggle to be seen."
"Sounds like you've made a study of my breasts, Jake."
"Hell, girl. I'm not blind. They're great tits; I can't help but admire them."
I blushed again but the heat between my legs flared up again. He'd been thinking about my chest? Were we imagining some of the same things?"
"Thanks, I guess. What other parts of my anatomy have you been keeping track of?"
He scooted over and touched my arm. "You really asking?"
"Pretty much all of your parts, Val. You're a very beautiful girl."
I smiled and looked away.
"Does that bother you? Knowing I like looking at you?"
"No." I met his gaze with mine. "I never noticed, but it doesn't bother me."
His fingers squeezed my arm. "Then why are you trembling?"
I swallowed before speaking. "Because… I like that you look at me."
"Why do you like it?" His fingers danced up my arm to my shoulder. They tangled in my hair and he tugged gently.
"I… I don't know."
"Yes you do." He ran a finger across the neckline of my t-shirt, his touch soft and insistent at the same time. "Tell me."
"I like it… because I like you."
"We don't really even know each other that well. What do you like about me?"
"You're nice."
Jake's hand dipped under my shirt and he traced a line from one shoulder to the other, sliding down in the middle to the tops of my breasts. "And?" he prodded me.
"And you're cute."
He splayed out his fingers, pressing them to my chest, hot enough to brand me. "Cute for an old guy, you mean?"
"Cute for any guy," I whispered.
Jake reached around me with his other arm and pulled me in close to him. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back onto his shoulder.
"Don't play shy now, Valerie. I know you're not like that."
"You make me feel shy."
"Because I don't know what to say now. Don't know what to do."
His hand came out of my shirt and rested on my knee. "What do you want to do?"
"I… I can't tell you."
"Why not? There's no one here but us. We almost killed each other in the dark. Just talking doesn't hurt."
He had a point. "Something changed tonight. The way I think about you changed."
"In what way?"
"I see you differently. I've been…"
That delicious hand moved again, sliding up my thigh, under the hem of my shirt. "Go on."
"I've been imagining things. About you."
The fingers inched ever closer to my wet panties and the hungry pussy under them. "What kind of things?"
"Like that," I gasped. "Like what you're doing."
"What am I doing?"
"T-touching me."
"I've touched you plenty of time before, Valerie."
"Not like that." My voice was low and husky. Full of need.
His hand stilled. "What else did you imagine me doing?"
"Kissing me."
He planted a quick kiss on my cheek. "Like that?"
"No. On… on the lips."
Another peck, this time on the corner of my mouth.
I finally realized what he was doing. Giving me the control, letting me set the pace. It was thoughtful and appreciated. Understanding that gave me the confidence to overcome the rush of emotions the situation created. That night I wasn't some eighteen-year-old out of her depth with an older man. I was the same girl who'd written Leo off with one angry look. It was Halloween, the night everyone can be whatever they want. And what I wanted to be was a sexy, powerful woman. What I wanted was Jake.
After a deep breath I opened my eyes and looked at Jake. "Maybe I should show you, just so everything is clear."
"Be my guest," he said, with a sexy half-smile on his face.
I grabbed his hand and pushed it farther up my leg until the tips of his fingers brushed my panty-covered crotch. I fisted my other hand in his hair and dragged his mouth down to mine. Our lips met roughly, crushing against each other. His tongue snaked out and dipped inside my mouth. I opened for him and tasted the beer he'd just been drinking.
In my lap, his fingers pushed forward, crushing the wet lace against my clit. I gasped and tilted my hips to urge him on.
Jake broke the kiss and looked at me for a second before pushing my panties aside and driving two fingers deep into my cunt. His thumb drew circles around my
clit as my juices soaked his hand. We pulled my shirt off together and his mouth descended on and devoured my breasts. His lips, teeth and tongue kissed, nipped and swirled around my tender flesh. His fingers inside me were hot as fire. My walls tightened around them, drawing him in hungrily.
"Fuck, Val. You're so damn sexy."
"Oh god," I muttered as he fingered me harder, slamming into me over and over, his fingers curling to hit my G-spot.
"Cum for me, baby."
I did, writhing and gasping as he ground his thumb against my swollen clit.
Instead of giving me time to recover, Jake replaced his hand with his mouth and lapped up the juices covering my pussy. My body kept shaking and I couldn't speak, couldn't beg for mercy. Not that I wanted any. His tongue probed inside me as the stubble on his face scraped against my smooth, wet skin erotically.
I moaned and pushed him back, needing to take things to the next level. I straddled him and unzipped his pants. Jake's cock sprang out, bigger than I'd expected. I gripped it in one hand, relishing the soft skin covering his hard dick. It was hot to the touch and a drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip as I jerked it.
His hips bucked and he groaned as I played with the thick column of flesh. I'd planned to suck it, but couldn't wait to have him buried deep inside my anymore. As if he anticipated what I needed Jake tore my panties at the crotch and guided my hips into place. I sank down, feeling the wide blunt tip of his prick spreading me open. I was so wet there was no resistance, just a delicious slide as he filled me.
"Oh, you're so tight, baby."
"You like it, Jake? Like my little cunt taking your cock?"
"Fuck yes." He grabbed me hips and started raising and lowering me, fucking me slow and deep. Each thrust sent another wave of pleasure through my body.
Jake dipped his head and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. Sucking on the sensitive nub, he fucked me harder, faster. Soon our bodies were slamming against one another. I cried out wordlessly as his cock pummeled my insides deliciously.
"Oh yeah. Fuck me. Oh, fuck me hard."